Good Tips for Regular Battery Maintenance and Replacement in Excavators in 2023

mini excavator

Meta Description: It is good to report each servicing step. So, it helps you to plan for future tasks without using replacement in excavators. This way, you remember the replacement parts, fluids, and filters!

There are many harsh conditions that an excavator faces during operation. These may be during snow, rain, mud, and sun. So, you must focus on regularly maintaining your excavator to keep it in working condition.

Through maintenance, you can get many benefits. These include more fuel efficiency, high productivity, low cost, and minimum equipment failure. This article will highlight some amazing tips for maintaining the battery of your excavator.

Signs Your Excavator Needs Repairs

When you daily use HIXEN brand excavators without maintaining it. Then there are many chances that the excavator may face wear and tear. The following are some signs which indicate your excavator needs repair:

Warning light indicators turned on:

If you notice, turn off the warning light. Then it indicates that any part of the equipment is not working properly.

Low fluid levels:

The lower level of fluids or any other oil indicates a leak or damage in the line.

Abnormal noises:

When you hear an annoying or abnormal voice from your machine, there is some issue with the machine parts. These sounds may resemble screeching, hissing, or grinding.

Malfunctioning part or system:

If a single component of the machine breaks down, it completely affects the system of the machine.

How to Maintain an Excavator

The following are some tips that help you to maintain an excavator:

Clean the undercarriage:

Use a pressure washer or shovel for the removal of debris and dirt present on the undercarriage. If you don’t remove debris, it may cause premature component wear.

Check the track tension:

Make sure to keep tension pressure low. Otherwise, it may cause wear and tear on the chain.

Follow proper digging techniques:

Make sure to follow the right digging strategies to reduce the risk of wear and tear on the tracks.

Excavator Maintenance Checklist

Make sure to check all the components of the excavator. This way, you get an idea that everything is working properly. The following are the schedules for when you should maintain your excavator:


Check the engine oil, coolants, and hydraulic oils daily.


Make sure to replace the engine oil, filters, and drive and swing drive oil levels.

Every three months:

Make sure to clean the fuel tank and filter after three months.

Every six months:

Make sure to tighten the battery, change the case drain and return to the hydraulic system after six months.

As needed:

Make sure to adjust and grease the frame, inspect the battery, and change the breakers if needed.

You need to invest more if you want to buy any heavy machinery. Make sure to maintain the machine to minimize the cost of repair and replacement. This way, you can increase the lifespan of your machine.

This article will help you to know which areas are more likely to maintain. So this way, you can increase the lifespan of the machine.


Suppose you are active in maintaining the machine before use. Then it is the best way to prevent costly downtime. With regular maintenance, you get an idea about the possible damage. So, you may find the right solution.


The following are some important steps that help you to maximize the lifespan of heavy machinery:


When you go for the preventive maintenance program, it helps you to cover all the wear and tear. Make sure to perform corrective actions to ensure the complete performance and reliability of the machine. There are many steps involved in PM. These include inspection, modification, and replacement. Moreover, these include testing and analysis of the machine’s performance.

 No doubt, a PM program is the only best way to maximize the machine’s life cycle. Moreover, it can minimize downtime and wear and tear. The following are some other benefits that you may get from PM:

  • Help to boost the credibility of the system and equipment
  • Help to reduce the unwanted damage
  • Enhanced the lifespan of the machine
  • Enhanced resale value
  • Reduce the replacement of costly compartments

Though regular maintenance is, important but preventive maintenance is much more essential. So, make sure to check or inspect the equipment when you buy it until its end of life.


When you focus on the PM program, it helps you to know the possible causes of equipment breakdown. So, if you already know the causes and failures in the machine. Then it helps you save many dollars you will need to invest in maintenance.

Though the types of equipment failure are three, the following are reasons and solutions for these types:

  • Suppose your machine faces any sudden failure without warning. So, replacing or fixing the part and returning the machine to service is good.
  • If your machine faces any periodic failure, it is called intermittent. It means your machine stops working randomly, so it is difficult to determine the cause. That is why this failure is very stressful and costly and maximizes downtime. So, know the cause and the right solution to address such an issue.
  • Another type is a gradual failure which you can prevent through regular inspection and maintenance. So, make sure to replace the worn parts to increase the machine’s lifespan.

Reasons to Indicate the Failure:

The following are reasons which indicate why these failures occur in the machine:

  • Suppose you notice any damage or breakdown in your machine. Then it may be because of extreme temperature. It happens if you provide extreme temperatures such as too cold or too hot. So, make sure to fix this issue during maintenance and prevent machine failure.
  • There is also another type of failure which is caused mechanically. Though, you can easily identify this issue. So, you can easily prevent this issue if you replace the damaged parts of the machine. For this, you may also lubricate and tighten the fasteners. So, allow the machine to move in the right position. The reasons for mechanical failures include shock, abuse, collision, and vibration.
  • The most challenging type of failure is an erratic failure. So, it is not easy for operators to address this issue. However, it occurs randomly and in different situations. The most common reason for this failure is an overload of electrical systems. So, make sure to use the diagnostic equipment while maintaining the machine.

Now, it is your duty to note which failure your machine is facing. So you can easily find the solution to fix the issue and maximize the lifespan of the machine.


It is essential for you to inspect your machine from the inside or outside thoroughly. This way, you can easily find the right and effective method to prevent failure. Commonly, you may get this information by reading the manual of the machine. Moreover, this manual also has preventive measures to avoid such failures.

Make sure to give valuable time to read the manual thoroughly. It is the best and essential rule in a PM program. Commonly, you may know about the service intervals, products that need to be used, and other factors through the manual.

Moreover, you can not only get an idea about the maintenance strategies from manuals. But these also indicate the bullet point itemization to get an idea of what to do while malfunctioning.

Listen to Your Operators

Make sure to ask the operator for help. This way, you may easily get information about the inside and outside of the machine. It is obvious that you never have complete information until you get professional help. So ask the daily operations to provide you with all the necessary information. This way, you can easily make a PM strategy.

Stop Operations When You Suspect a Problem

When you notice any problem in the machine during operation, then it is good to stop the operation. Otherwise, it may increase the problem and as a result, it increases maintenance costs.


It is true that a professional operator is more productive compared to an unprofessional operator. So, there are minimum chances of machine failure when an experienced operator operates it. Moreover, a professional operator has the skills to save himself or nearby people. So, make sure to train all your employees to operate the machine effectively. This way, you may save money in repairing and replacement.

Make sure to build a PM program to train your employees. Train each operator in a way to know how to start and run the machine. Moreover, each operator needs to know about daily routine and maintenance tasks.

When it comes to operator training, there are a few things mentioned in the manual. These include checking the system and its controls. Make sure to test the machine because it is part of the training.

Moreover, make sure to check all the valuable tools of the machine. This way, you get an idea about each maintenance step.

Never train your employees for a long period and in a complicated way. Make sure to communicate with people about the working of the machine clearly. Moreover, allow employees to easily control the machine to increase its lifespan.

Suppose you are a trained operator. Then it helps you to easily notice warning signs or damage happening to the machine. So, it is important for each operator to become trained in recognizing the failure indicators. This way, they can reduce costs and time in handling such issues.


All the manuals of the machine come up with detailed information about the maintenance of the machine. So, make sure to completely read the manual to stick to the maintenance intervals. The manuals are designed based on knowledge, expertise, and experience. However, there are many engineers who design the right manual. But the manual of Cat is better with maintenance intervals than any other engineering company.

Suppose a factory recommends maintenance intervals. Then there are standards dependent on normal operation. The interval may vary based on the local environment and particular conditions such as ice, rain, humidity, mud, and dust. Moreover, it is based on the weight of the operator.

Make sure to keep a record of the maintenance intervals. It is much more important to protect the warranty of the machine and its economical operation.

Suppose you don’t focus on the maintenance of the machinery according to factory suggestions. Then it may damage the warranty. Make sure to have a warranty that covers all the important requirements. So, this warranty may remain for a long time.


Another important factor that you must consider is keeping the documentation of your machine service history. However, it is not possible for you to keep a history of all services you need to take for the machine. But if you focus on the maintenance of the machine. Then it can give your machine many benefits, including boosting the machine’s lifespan.

With the documented record, you may know the entire picture of the machine’s history. So make sure to write all the regular maintenance intervals. The information may include the day of maintenance, type of service, parts that were changed, and any faults if observed.

Through service records, you may know the chronologic maintenance of machines. This way, you get an idea of when you have serviced the machine. Make sure to write the entire information in a booklet. If you don’t focus on regular maintenance, it may cause mechanical failures in your machine.

crawler excavator

Final Verdict:

We have discussed some amazing tips that can help you to maintain your excavator in good condition. So, make sure to follow these tips to complete your maintenance service. Make sure to organize check sheets according to specific intervals.

These may be daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly intervals. Moreover, this interval is based on the machine time according to specific needs!

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